Keynote speech Thursday.

Presented at Black Hat USA 1997, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

No description available.


  • Richard Thieme / neuralcowboy as Richard Thieme
    A "prominent American techno-philosopher" (LAN Magazine), Mr. Thieme is in demand as a speaker on the impact of technology on people and organizations.  His articles about the Internet -- more than 40 last year -- have been published in six countries.  He writes regularly for Wired and Internet Underground in the USA.  Mr. Thiemeâs column, "Islands in the Clickstream," is published by numerous chapters of the Society of Professional Engineers, the Association of Multimedia Communication, the  Business News of Singapore, and on the Internet by Computer-Mediated  Communication and CTHEORY.  He speaks on everything from life in virtual organizations to security, privacy, and trust on networks.

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