Escaping Virtualized Containers

Presented at Black Hat Asia 2020 Virtual, Oct. 2, 2020, 12:30 p.m. (40 minutes)

Containers offer speed, performance, and portability, but do they actually contain? While they try their best, the shared kernel is a disturbing attack surface: a mere kernel vulnerability may allow containerized processes to escape and compromise the host. This issue prompted a new wave of sandboxing tools that use either unikernels, lightweight VMs or userspace-kernels to separate the host OS from the container's OS.

One of these solutions is Kata Containers, a container runtime that spawns each container inside a lightweight VM, and can function as the underlying runtime in Docker and Kubernetes. Kata's virtualized containers provide two layers of isolation: even if an attacker breaks out of the container, he is still confined to the microVM.

Several Cloud Service Providers are deploying Kata in production to support customer multitenancy in their Serverless and CaaS offerings. With its focus on isolation, does Kata Containers actually contain?

In this talk, we'll put Kata's isolation to the test, and attempt to escape the container, break out of the encapsulating VM, and finally, compromise the host.


  • Yuval Avrahami - Senior Security Researcher, Palo Alto Networks
    Yuval Avrahami is a Senior Security Researcher at Palo Alto Networks, dealing with hacking and securing anything related to containers. Yuval is a veteran of the Israeli Air Force, where he served in the role of a researcher.


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