Biometrics & Privacy: Time to Faceoff or is that FaceApp?

Presented at Black Hat Asia 2020 Virtual, Oct. 2, 2020, 11:20 a.m. (40 minutes)

FaceApp sparked outrage recently when it was thought that the app was taking photos from your phone and uploading them to servers in Russia without permission and for nefarious reasons. The evidence didn't support this claim, but it was enough for many to raise their concerns.

That the Twittersphere got all worked up wasn't news, but the fact that so many of us use the biometric security features of our phones without thinking about it is a cause for concern. Security is increasingly relying on our biometric data for authentication and even national security purposes, and consumers are handing over this information without understanding the potential impacts and whether this type of information is covered by the various privacy legislation around the world.

In this talk, we will explore the various types of biometric data, their uses by both government and private organisations, and whether the collection and use of such data is covered by the privacy legislation in the APAC region in particular, but more broadly around the world. Knowing what laws apply enables you to determine what rights you as the 'owner' of the biometric data may have to protect your valuable biometrics. In this talk, you will learn what and how biometric data is protected by the law and what you may be able to do to protect yourself.


  • Melissa Wingard - Senior Commercial Technology Lawyer, Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick
    Melissa Wingard is a senior commercial technology lawyer, with over 15 years' experience, assisting software, cybersecurity, and technology companies, across the Asia Pacific region, grow their business and meet strategic aims, whilst managing risk and regulatory compliance. She has extensive experience in relation to commercialising intellectual property particularly in exploiting software, drafting and advising on various contractual arrangements, competition law, information security, data protection and privacy. She holds Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Bachelor of Arts (English & History), Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and a Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment, and has recently completed her Masters in Cyber Security Operations.


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