Hacking a Professional Drone

Presented at Black Hat Asia 2016, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Professional drones are now actively used across various industries (for example utility companies, law enforcement and first responder organizations, government agencies and universities) to perform daily critical operations. In this Briefing, Nils Rodday performs a live hack which exploits vulnerabilities of the professional drone and effectively compromises the security of the system to take over control. He also examines practical fixes and approaches for remediating these compromises.


  • Nils Rodday - Independent Security Researcher
    Nils Rodday is currently employed as an IT Security Consultant. He holds MSc degrees in Computer Science from the University of Twente (Netherlands) and the University of Trento (Italy). The specialization track he chose within the EIT Digital double-degree master program was Security & Privacy, leading to a final degree project with the title: "Exploring Security Vulnerabilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles."


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