Scan All the Things - Project Sonar

Presented at Black Hat Asia 2014, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Over the past year, the Rapid7 Labs team has conducted large-scale analysis on the data coming out of the Critical.IO and Internet Census 2012 scanning projects. This revealed a number of widespread security issues and painted a gloomy picture of an Internet rife with insecurity. The problem is, this isn't news, and the situation continues to get worse. Rapid7 Labs believes the only way to make meaningful progress is through data sharing and collaboration across the security community as a whole. As a result, we launched Project Sonar and urged the community to get involved with the research and analysis effort. To make this easier, we highlight various free tools and share a huge amount of our own research data for analysis on a regular basis in cooperation with the University of Michigan and their website.


  • Mark Schloesser - Rapid7
    Mark Schloesser is a security researcher at Rapid7, analyzing threats and developing countermeasures to help defenders understand and protect against the risks they face. He is also deeply involved developing open-source software as part of the Honeynet Project and other communities. A strong focus for this has recently been building up the core of Cuckoo Sandbox, an automated malware analysis tool, as well as working on a real-time data-sharing framework. He also is a developer for the Dionaea honeypot and smaller projects such as the HoneyMap. In the 25th and 26th hour of the day he likes reverse engineering malware and botnets and participating in CTF competitions. In case you need some help on an interesting project, he easily gets excited and involved if you netcat him @repmovsb.


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