OFFENSIVE: Exploiting DNS Servers Changes

Presented at Black Hat Asia 2014, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

In a context of offensive security research, I identified that there are many vulnerabilities that let someone to change DNS servers of an objective. Additionally, there is always a recent history about main DNS servers hacked (WhatsApp, Qatar's, etc). On the other hand, there are tools or techniques to exploit these effectively, with the usual needs in offensive operations, secrecy and effectiveness. This is a talk useful for Phishers, hackers and LEAs.


  • Leonardo Nve - S21Sec
    Leonardo Nve is a senior security auditor at S21sec in Spain. He has been involved in computer security since 1996, has worked as a consultant and auditor from 2000, and from 2002 managed several research projects on various security technologies such as DOCSIS and Wireless, with various papers published in various Spanish specialized publications. He also managed the UnderCON, the first Spanish underground security congress, where he presented the first full-ASCII Shellcode in 2000. Other talks were about Wi-Fi and phone companies' security.


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