Cold War Cryptography

Presented at 44CON 2019, Sept. 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m. (59 minutes)

The use of cryptography during the Cold War is a fascinating, yet still little researched topic. Though most is still classified, a considerable amount of information about Cold War encryption has become public over the last two decades. The purpose of this talk is to tell the five or six most stunning crypto stories from the Cold War era in an entertaining, yet informative way. Like always, the speaker will use Lego models, self-drawn cartoons and similar means to support his speech.


  • Klaus Schmeh
    Klaus Schmeh has published 16 books, 200 articles, 1,000 blog posts and 25 research papers about encryption technology, which makes him the most-published cryptology author in the world. While he writes his blog in English, most other of his publications are in German. Klaus Schmeh is the world’s leading blogger in the field of crypto history ( As his main profession of security consultant at the German company, cryptovision, Klaus utilizes his special skill in explaining complex technical topics, often using self-drawn cartoons and Lego brick models for visualization. As an award-winning member of the public speaking club, Toastmasters, he is an excellent speaker and frequent lecturer. He has hosted presentations at more than 200 conferences in Europe, Asia, and the USA. His presentations at 44CON, RSA Conference, TrusTech, NSA Crypto History Symposium, HistoCrypt, Charlotte International Cryptologic Symposium and other major events were enthusiastically received because of their clarity and because of Klaus’ engaging presentation style.


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