What it Means to Have the C Word in the National Security Agenda

Presented at 44CON 2016, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

This is a highly non-technical talk.

What is the meaning of ‘security'? Words like ‘information security', ‘cyber security' and ‘critical (information) infrastructure protection' have found their way into many countries' national security agenda over the past few years. When, how and why did that happen?

Many countries have developed and published ‘National Cyber Security Strategies' which outline how cyber threats are dealt with at the national level. Everyone is facing the same threats in cyberspace, yet we are all approaching it differently. Why?

My talk is not a linear narration of history. My talk aims to explore and explain this phenomenon, from a policy analysis angle, of how ‘cyber security' became a national security issue and what impact this has on the future.



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