Is my toothbrush really smart?

Presented at TROOPERS18 (2018), March 12, 2018, 10:30 a.m. (Unknown duration)

This talk is a full **teardown of a connected toothbrush**. Besides the fun of it - such as having your toothbrush **sing** in tune remotely - is it really important to secure harmless IoT? Yes, it is! I show here that the insecurity of the toothbrush has **unexpected consequences**…


  • Axelle Apvrille
    Axelle Apvrille is a happy security researcher at Fortinet, where she hunts down any strange virus on so-called ‘smart' devices. She is organizing ph0wn (, a CTF dedicated to challenges on smart devices. Besides organizing and playing CTFs, she has presented in several security & hacking conferences such as BlackHat Europe, Virus Bulletin,, Insomni'hack, Area 41…


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