Solar Cell workshop - Day 2: Build your solar project

Presented at ToorCamp 2018, June 22, 2018, 1 p.m. (50 minutes)

Come build your dream solar power panel to do whatever you want.

The solar cell workshop will discuss the basics of designing solar powered systems and give you the chance to build your own practical solar project. Participants will be supplied with approximately 10 watts worth of 3 x 6 solar cells and limited numbers of voltage converters and other items that might be useful in creating your solar application. Do you want to make a charger for your phone or maybe even cover your laptop or tablet with solar cells? Bring your ideas, soldering irons and anything else you think you might need for your project. We'll see who comes up with the cleverest ideas. Participants will be required to pay a $10 fee for materials.


  • Franklin Hu
    Franklin Hu is a mild mannered software engineer by day, but a mad scientist, karaoke singing house flipper by night. Franklin Hu works at a full time software engineering job but has many, many diverse hobbies. These hobbies include theoretical physics which explain gravity, magnetism and charge. He also plays the violin like Lindsey Sterling and sings competitive karaoke - reaching the finals in the Evergreen State Fair Superstar Karaoke contest. When he isn't doing either of those things, he can be found swinging a hammer and turning trash into cash by rehabbing houses. Check out the website or You Tube channel to learn more.


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