D-I-Yerba Mate Soda - How to Brew Mate Soda at Home

Presented at HOPE 2020 Virtual Rescheduled, July 30, 2020, 3:30 p.m. (120 minutes)

As we all know, Mate sodas like Club-Mate are wonderful fuel for late night hacking sessions. But availability in the U.S. is limited. So how can we fill the void? Come learn how to produce your own Yerba Mate soda at home. https://wiki.hope.net/index.php?title=D-I-Yerba\_Mate\_Soda\_workshop


  • Joe Mertz
    **Joe Mertz** works at the intersection of art and technology, integrating electronics into the live entertainment industry. He first tried Club-Mate in Chicago in 2017 and has since spent his time at Chaos Computer Club events in Germany sampling the fruits of the burgeoning craft-mate scene. He has been brewing his own mate soda and keeping it on tap at Chicago's Pumping Station: One since February 2018, and earlier this year he jumped into the craft-soda business with osMate, which will be the first open source mate soda on the market.


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