Hack-N-Swap-O-Rama™: One hackers failed project is another's awesome win!

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 5, 2017, 8:20 a.m. (150 minutes)

Hack-N-Swap-O-Rama - Beg, haggle, sell, buy, barter and swap! Campers are invited to bring old electronic components, mechanical parts, obsolete technology, abandoned projects, unwanted gimmicks, surplus acquisitions - anything hack-worthy to sell or swap with others! <strong>When:</strong> Saturday 5th August 2017 9:30am - 12:00 noon <strong>Where:</strong> The Hardware Hacking Area <strong>What?</strong> Based on the great success of the <a href="https://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Hack-N-Swap-O-Rama%E2%84%A2 EMF">Hack-N-Swap-O-Rama™</a> we are going to go it again at SHA! Beg, haggle, sell, buy, barter and swap! Campers are invited to bring a old electronic components, mechanical parts, obsolete technology, abandoned projects, unwanted gimmicks, surplus acquisitions - anything hack-worthy to sell or swap with others! Tables will be made available to show off your stuff. <strong>RULES</strong> <ul> <li> Only bring what you can take away with you if necessary.</li> <li> Only buy/take what you can keep and carry home…</li> <li> You must leave nothing behind!</li> </ul> P.S. Did we mention <strong>nothing to be left on site</strong>, <strong>only bring & buy what you are prepared to take home</strong>!


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