Building the Next Generation of Computer Security Professionals

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 14 (2012), Oct. 21, 2012, noon (20 minutes)

There are many news articles on the lack of computer security specialists in the United States. Most high school students are barely exposed to computer science let alone computer security. I was given the opportunity to teach two one week high school computer security camps over the summer. The first thing I discovered is there is no standard high school computer security curriculum. Developing a program that was challenging to the students and support a variety of experience levels was a difficult task. In this talk I will describe the content I developed, discuss the external support I received and provide the lessons I learned.


  • Chris Simpson
    Chris is the owner of Bright Moon Security a Cyber Security consulting company in San Diego, CA. His expertise centers upon cloud security, vulnerability assessment, and Knowledge Management (KM). . He is also active in he local San Diego Security community and serves as Vice President of the San Diego ISSA and is a CyberPatriot mentor.

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