How I teach Security

Presented at SOURCE Seattle 2016, Oct. 13, 2016, 4 p.m. (50 minutes)

After spending over 10 years as a builder of software systems, and the next five years on the breaking side of things, I then spent over a decade teaching information security concepts to over 25,000 people around the world at leading global organizations.

Over the course of this work, I’ve noticed some interesting patterns, and I've learned that people can, in fact, be taught security in a way that they actually care about it.

In this talk, I'll teach some of my best tips and tricks for teaching security topics to the masses.


  • Rob Cheyne - Big Brain Security
    Rob Cheyne is a highly regarded technologist, security expert, trainer, and serial entrepreneur. He has over 25 years of experience in the information technology field and has been working in information security since 1998. Rob has led information security training classes for over 25,000 people across many industry-leading global organizations, and consults regularly with Fortune 500 clients. Rob is the founder and CEO of Big Brain Security and the Executive Director of the SOURCE conferences. Previously, Rob was the co-founder and CEO of Safelight, a leading provider of information security education programs that was acquired by Security Innovation in July 2014. He was also an early employee of @stake, a well-known pioneer in information security consulting. Rob was the author of LC4, a version of the award-winning L0phtCrack password auditing tool, and he also worked on the code scanning technology that was eventually spun off as Veracode.

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