Homunculus: The whys and wherefores of tcp with spoofed IPs

Presented at Notacon 1 (2004), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Homunculus is a tool which allows for the simulation of large bot nets. This can be used to fool attack detection, or study profiling techniques for large bot net based attacks. In this talk we'll discuss how homunculus is designed, and how it's use can frustrate traditional attempts to detect brute force attacks.


  • Seth Hinze
    Seth Hinze is a 22 year old who I can't get to write a bio for the talk. Lurene can vouch for the fact that he can beat every Super Mario Bros. game, but he's not very good at Metroid. He'll have his masters in Electrical Engineering and Super Mario Bros. in May of 2004.
  • Lurene Grenier
    Lurene Grenier is a 21 year old senior at RPI, in Troy, NY. Her primary interests lie in the realms of networking, security, and forensics, and looking for work. She's going to the beach, and she's bringing aspirin, a beach ball, a chair....

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