Pentesting: Lessons from Star Wars

Presented at NorthSec 2017, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

Everyone knows you ought to threat model, but in practical reality it turns out to be tricky. If past efforts to threat model haven't panned out, perhaps part of the problem is confusion over what works, and how the various approaches conflict or align. This talk captures lessons from years of work helping people throughout the software industry threat model more effectively. It's designed to help security pros, especially pen testers, all of whom will leave with both threat modeling lessons from Star Wars and a proven foundation, enabling them to threat model effectively on offense or defense.


  • Adam Shostack
    Adam is an entrepreneur, technologist, author and game designer. He's a member of the BlackHat Review Board, and helped found the CVE and many other things. He's currently building his 5th startup, focused on improving security effectiveness, and mentors startups as a Mach37 Star Mentor. While at Microsoft, he drove the Autorun fix into Windows Update, was the lead designer of the SDL Threat Modeling Tool v3 and created the "Elevation of Privilege" game. Adam is the author of "Threat Modeling: Designing for Security," and the co-author of "The New School of Information Security."


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