Biology for Hackers and Hacking for Biology

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 22, 2016, 10 a.m. (60 minutes)

Biotechnology is information technology - software that you can code and engineer. It is becoming very clear that biology needs to be approached with the same hacker ethic and mentality as software and hardware. Furthermore, the technology needed to hack biology is becoming much more accessible. In this panel, you'll learn some of the basics of biology using terms and analogies that would be useful for hackers and for people in information technology. Basic points will be outlined on how to get started in biohacking, both virtually and physically. This talk will also cover the current state of biotechnology and how biology can be approached and improved upon through the philosophy and culture of hacking.


  • Kevin Chen
    Kevin Chen is a biochemist and biohacker. He is a cofounder of Montreal's DIYbio community, Bricobio. When he's not working on the hacker/maker scene, he is working as the CEO and cofounder of Hyasynth Bio, a biotech startup that is producing cannabinoids using genetically engineered yeast.
  • Jameson Dungan
    Jameson Dungan is a self-taught biohacker and founder of Biologik Labs in Norfolk, Virginia. He is passionate about maker/hacker culture, urban exploring, and cyberpunk art. While democratizing science and teaching biology, he is also a supporter of open-source hardware and learning by doing.



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