The New Engineers of Graffiti

Presented at HOPE Number Six (2006), July 22, 2006, 11 p.m. (Unknown duration).

The Graffiti Research Lab is dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, street artists, and protesters with open source technologies for urban communication. The goal of the G.R.L. is to technologically empower individuals to creatively alter and reclaim their surroundings from unchecked development and corporate visual culture. During 2006, the G.R.L. has toured across the globe demonstrating and teaching new graffiti technologies and DIY skills to diverse public audiences. Their work has been featured in alternative and mainstream news sources like the New York Times, Wooster Collective, TIME Magazine, Visual Resistance, and The Village Voice. In May 2006, Ars Electronica gave the G.R.L. an Award of Distinction in Interactive Art. You can find their work at

This panel will give an introduction to geek graffiti and focus on the Eyebeam OpenLab with particular attention to public domain DIY hardware hacking, GNU software, and Creative Commons content. Some GRL tools will include LED "throwies," the "night writer," the "electro-graf," and more.

A free LED "throwie" workshop will be held downstairs throughout the conference, guaranteed to grab your attention.


  • James Powderly
    James Powderly has a master's degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunication Program. He worked at Honeybee Robotics as the director of technology development and has been an engineer since 2002. At Honeybee, James was part of a team that developed technology for NASA's Mars Exploration Rover that is currently operating on the surface of the red planet and designed a robotic installation for the architects Diller and Scofidio that was shown at the Whitney Museum of American Art. His is the cofounder of Robot Clothes and his work can be found at
  • Evan Roth
    Evan Roth is a recent MFA graduate from and professor in the design technology department at Parsons. He is the creator of Graffiti Analysis, a project that uses motion tracking, computer vision technology, and a custom C++ application to record and analyze a graffiti writer's pen movement over time. Evan's media experiments also include Explicit Content Only, Postal Labels Against Bush, and Graffiti Taxonomy. All these projects are featured at
  • Theodore Watson
  • Evan Harper


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