FAQ the Kiddies

Presented at DEF CON 8 (2000), July 30, 2000, 11 a.m. (50 minutes).

Every year the attendance at Defcon grows. It was apparent this last year that many of the Kiddies (W@r3z d00d5, Script Kiddies, and lamers) had come with the intention of learning something. Problem is upon arrival these groups think that the only way they will be able to benefit from Defcon is if they "PROVE THEMSELF" to everybody they come across. By the end of Day 1 they have successfully burned any bridge they had the chance of building. This speech will give newbies some of the info needed to get on "the right track". Some of the highlights are:

Dangers of being a script kiddie Learning vs. Compiling What your local library has to offer "Follow the rainbow booked road" "Hacking without going to jail" "Shutting your mouth and opening your ears" There will be many URL's and book titles given so please bring a pen and paper.


  • Pyr0 - Network Administrator ­ The r00t Cellar.com


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