A Look Inside Security At The New York Times Or A Media Security Primer For Hackers

Presented at DEF CON 29 (2021), Aug. 8, 2021, 10 a.m. (45 minutes).

This talk will cover the unique threats and challenges of working in information security for a news organization. Some best practices for journalists, hard technical problems facing media security, and how hackers can get involved. This talk is for both hackers and journalists.


  • Jesse Krembs / Agent X as Jesse "Agent X" Krembs
    Jesse Krembs is a long term Def Con goon and now a staff information security analyst at The New York Times. He provides security support to journalists, and staff globally. He's had a variety of jobs over his lifetime, working as a bike messenger, a caterer, a webmaster for a brewery, a wireless engineer, and doing even security work for the phone company. He leads the Def Con 4 X 5K, and climbs rocks for fun.


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