Drones Hijacking - multi-dimensional attack vectors and countermeasures

Presented at DEF CON 24 (2016), Aug. 7, 2016, 1 p.m. (60 minutes).

Drone related applications have sprung up in the recent years, and the drone security has also became a hot topic in the security industry. This talk will introduce some general security issues of the drones, including vulnerabilities existing in the radio signals, WiFi, Chipset, FPV system, GPS, App, and SDK. The most famous and popular drone product will be used to demonstrate the security vulnerabilities of each aspects, and recommendation of enforcements. The talk will also demo how to take control of the drone through the vulnerabilities.

The topic of hacking by faking the GPS signals has been shared before in Black Hat and DEF CON in the past, this talk will extend this topic to the drone security. we will demo the real-time hijacking program that we created for various drone, this program can take full control of the Drone’s maneuver by simply keyboard input. In addition, we will also introduce how to detect the fake GPS signals.

An open source tool supporting u-box GPS modules and SDR to detect fake GPS signals will be shared and published in the GitHub.



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