Mobile Hacker Space

Presented at DEF CON 16 (2008), Aug. 10, 2008, 1 p.m. (50 minutes).

There has been a recent global push for the creation of Hacker Spaces. Unfortunately, these ventures are risky and can be quite costly. In an effort to provide an alternative, or at least an intermediary step, this talk will discuss a different type of Hacker Space, one that is on wheels. During the course of this speech, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of building a mobile hacker space, and present a real-world example, which will be open to tours at DefCon (as long as it doesn't break down before it gets there). We will talk about the problems and solutions associated with the development of a mobile hacker space, and offer ideas for future designs. In addition, a list of current and future hacker projects will be discussed, and include IT-related and vehicle-related hacks.


  • Thomas Wilhelm - Founder,
    Thomas Wilhelm: Currently employed in a Fortune 50 company performing penetration testing and risk assessments, Thomas has spent over 15 years in the Information System career field, and has received the following certifications: ISSMP, CISSP, SCSECA, SCNA, SCSA, IAM. Thomas is currently a PhD student, and is the founder of the PenTest LiveCD project. Thomas has written for Hakin9 magazine, and has been published in multiple books, including: Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit, Volume 2; Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing; and Netcat Toolkit, all available through Syngress Publishing.


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