Glitter nail polish vs the Evil Maid - Spoiler: The maid wins

Presented at Canterbury Hacker Camp (2022), Nov. 26, 2022, 7:15 p.m. (Unknown duration)

The Evil Maid attack vs the Glitter nail polish tamper evident seal; recommended by many as one of the best defences in detecting tampering. But, what if it isn't as infallible as we think it is? What if a real maid could learn and do it without any lengthy specialised training?

In this talk, we'll do a whirlwind tour of the techniques used to bypass tamper evident seals, with things you'd likely have in your home. I'll wrap up by sharing how you too can bypass the assumed impossible Glitter nail polish seal.


  • hoodiePony - hoodiePony
    In 2018, I bypassed a tamper evident seal that was deemed "impossible" by many; the Glitter nail polish on screws. I'm just another nerd of figuring out how things work, by breaking things, and challenging assumptions; sharing a story so that we can all make better informed decisions.


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