Reverse Engineer iOS apps because reasons

Presented at CarolinaCon 12 (2016), March 5, 2016, 2 p.m. (Unknown duration)

During this talk I will be sharing knowledge on some free and inexpensive tools for reverse engineering ios apps, particularly when the source code is not available; such as when cheating at mobile games, investigating privacy issues, or participating in a bug bounty, to name a few. There is a distinct lack of eyes on mobile applications, and I hope to encourage listeners to play with and explore the possibilities within ios applications. I will be (hopefully) showing how to: -crack things -examine machine code when you don't know much about machine code, and how to remove ads from applications. -MITM traffic and analysis -disabling input validation -stealing crypto keys and passwords -determining the quality of an app. -general processes and time-saving things. I will also attempt to subtly introduce Australian slang as part of a cultural exchange, which should really increase the prestigious nature of this event.


  • twinlol
    I am head of gang prevention at an infosec consultancy in Australia, but privacy research is my passion. My background and comfort zone is in cryptography and cryptanalysis, I am an adjunct (a volunteer role) at a university on the side of my day job, helping with infosec related units and fraud prevention; lecturing, phd mentoring and course direction there.


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