The Frugal Girl's Guide to Threat Intelligence

Presented at 44CON 2016, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Threat intelligence can support incident prevention, detection, and response and contribute to an organization's risk-based security posture, but unfortunately it has a reputation for being expensive and complicated to implement. Fortunately for those without bottomless pockets, threat intelligence doesn't have to be a budget breaker, but building a cost effective capability does takes time, effort, and good old fashioned elbow grease. This talk will cover how to determine what level and aspect of threat intelligence to focus on, given your team, time, and goals. It will discuss how to identify the best open source, free, and low-cost intelligence resources for your organization and how to integrate them into operations. Attendees will leave this presentation with an understanding of some of the budget-friendly tools available to them, including threat intelligence platforms, information sources, analytic tools, and how to assess whether or not they are providing value to the organization.



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